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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel is a fundamental part of traditional marketing and business for ages. It appears that the subject of funnels in online-based businesses is becoming more popular.

The truth of the matter is that folks are eager to learn more about this concept of marketing and how they can use it to enhance their online business marketing efforts. If you would like to learn more about the sales funnel for effective Internet marketing I invite you to continue reading.

What is the Sales Funnel?

A marketing funnel isn't an actual funnel. This marketing concept uses the term "funnel" to describe a sales process, from beginning to end. The term"funnel" can be used to describe the sales process due to its wider entry path to "Unqualified Prospects", and a smaller opening for converts at the bottom.

The "unqualified prospects" Also called people who are not competent are at the top of the funnel. They may need your products or services but haven't been contacted before. After a few sales and promotions, you will have gotten customers who have bought your product or service.

The effectiveness of a lead generation funnel is also due to the ability to track the activities of your customers throughout the sales process. Utilizing the sales funnel to determine the amount of qualified prospects at each stage, you can determine the number of potential customers who are likely to become customers.

A sales funnel allows you to determine exactly how is going on and how your sales process is failing or succeeding or failing, or if your marketing campaign isn't getting a sufficient amount of prospective customers somewhere within the process. This information will allow you to determine which areas to concentrate your efforts and help you achieve your marketing goals. It can be used to manage and gauge the sales process of your customers.

The Sales Funnel Top, Front or End

The top of your sales funnel should be the most active part of your sales funnel. This area requires consistent testing. There are literally no end of front-end ideas. Your imagination and resources are your only limits.

The primary goal of the front-end will be to attract potential clients and turn them into buyers later in the selling process.

A prospective client will be "qualified" when they sign up for your product or service. This is where the prospective customer, or "Unqualified Prospect", becomes an "qualified lead. They have taken a step which suggests they might be interested in your product or service.

You must create targeted traffic to your website, blog or squeeze page for your front-end to work. PPC advertisements, articles for marketing PPC advertising, social media like Google+, Twitter and Facebook, YouTube, banners as well as blogging forums, content posting on forums and marketing are all excellent sources.

There are a variety of ways to "qualify" an "unqualified potential customer. One of the most effective is the squeeze page. You can provide something of value that is connected to your service or product that they are able to get for free or at a drastically reduced price in exchange of their email. There are a variety of products to choose from, including newsletters, videos, emails, courses ebooks, as well as related reports.

This shows that people are drawn towards your sales channels on the front. But what do you think of the back-end?


The Bottom of The Funnel: The Back-End

The back-end (or the bottom) of your sales channel is where the bulk of profits and sales occur. It is also where you'll find your more expensive products. These products would all be suitable for the same audience, but they are offered in various formats, such as audio, video and live interactions.

The major difference between the front and back-ends lies in the kind of client and the price of the product/service being provided.

While it's true that just a small percent, say 1-2% of the total number of people who enter your front end will finish up at the back end. It's okay, because this small group will be investing much more money.

While front-end services and products may be less expensive than $100 but back-end products and services typically cost in the hundreds or thousands. This implies that the lowest end of the sales channel also known as the back-end, is the most important source of revenue.

As I said earlier, the sales funnel is as flexible as your creativity and resources permit.

To learn more about how I'm planning my content marketing strategy, look at the following link.

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