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Home Remodeling | Insulate your attic for energy efficiency and lower power bills

Mar 23

The insulation in your home, which is intended as a protection from the elements, helps your house retain heat or cool air. Attic insulation works to regulate the temperature of the air inside your home, which means that it also regulates how much money you spend on heating and cooling costs. Homeowners need to keep their attic insulation up to date, especially with rising energy costs.


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If you have an issue with your insulation you should work with one of our experienced Attic Remodeling Marlborough MA Contractors at GA Building & Remodeling to get more information on why insulating at this time is so important.

Insulation has been proven to help lessen energy waste while increasing energy efficiency. There are federal credits available for individuals who perform this type of insulation, so it is important to review the program carefully with one of our Attic Remodeling Marlborough MA specialists.

Insulating your attic can prove to be difficult without an experienced professional, but there are some general principles that you need to know about before you attempt this on your own. You should consider using fiberglass insulation instead of cellulose insulation because it resists fire better and adheres more easily. It’s also very easy for a homeowner to install.

Cellulose insulation gets its name because of how it’s made – basically by grinding wood into tiny pieces. Because this type of insulation doesn’t have flame-retardant chemicals added, it can catch fire more easily than other types. Nobody wants their home destroyed by fire, so fiberglass insulation is the better type to use.

It’s important when you are trying to insulate your attic that you don’t forget about the floor of your house. The most cost-effective way to deal with this concern is by adding radiant barrier insulation under your home; it’s easy enough for a homeowner to do on their own. This material reflects heat that gets into your home back out into the atmosphere before it can ever get inside. It works in conjunction with the insulation that lines the roof and walls of your home. Attic Remodeling Marlborough MA specialists will be able to get this done for less money than someone who isn’t experienced with having it done.

You need to make sure that you purchase the right kind of insulation for your home. There are a few different kinds, and if you buy the wrong kind, you could be hurting yourself instead of helping. The fiberglass insulation that we mentioned above is an excellent choice because it insulates better than other varieties. The price tag associated with it may be high, but the results will be worth it in the end.

The cost of adding insulation to your attic varies by how much work has to be done; this price also depends on whether or not you choose cellulose or fiberglass. Asking your Attic Remodeling Marlborough MA contractor about these types of issues should help make costs more clear for you. You can also do research online before calling one of our contractors to give you a more accurate quote.

We work with homeowners in Attic Remodeling Marlborough MA and across the country who want to insulate their attic or home, but need someone to come out and do the job. If you would like our assistance with this project, give us a call today! We’re also here if you simply have questions about what we do and how it can benefit your home.


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Install a new mailbox that matches your home's exterior design.

Attic Remodeling Marlborough MA

The first step to making your mailbox look great is choosing the right style. There are three different types of mailboxes according to Rodman Hardware: vertical, horizontal, and pillar-style. The best choice depends on things like your home’s exterior design, how many mailboxes you need, and if there’s a large amount of snowfall in your area.
You also need to decide if you want an attached or free-standing mailbox. The attached styles feature doors that can be opened with hinges, while freestanding boxes only have one opening for inserting letters. If it snows heavily where you live, consider getting an attached box because they’re typically higher off the ground than free-standing models. Also, make sure you get a box that’s high enough to avoid getting hit by a snowblower.
Add weather stripping on the mailbox door, so it closes tightly and doesn’t let drafts come through.
You’ll want to make sure your mailbox is watertight this winter, especially if you live in an area with heavy rain or snowfall. You can buy special strips of weather stripping at hardware stores that are designed for doors, windows, screens, etc. This strip will seal the gap between the mailbox door and post when it closes. Don’t just rely on silicone caulk; it tends to accumulate dirt and will wear out faster than rubber-based weather stripping. Check your mailbox often during the winter months (at least 2-3 times each week) because freezing temperatures can crack the mailbox door and cause it to let in drafts.

A rug can add a nice personal touch to your outdoor space. A new, clean rug with a fun pattern and color is the perfect way to freshen up any outdoor furniture set. Make sure you find one that will be comfortable to sit on and walk on in bare feet so you can enjoy it year-round. Whether it’s for storage or extra living space, converting an attic into a usable area of the home offers numerous benefits when done correctly. It’s important that when having an attic remodeled that it is finished correctly with insulation, ventilation, and safety in mind.

Get rid of clutter around the house, including old clothes, shoes, and books.

The attic is not the place to store these things. Remove them completely; don’t just shove them into the attic and close the door! The cleaner your house is when the workers arrive, the better. The more complete the job will be in a shorter amount of time. Be sure to have a plan in place for where you want all of your belongings moved to before starting this project. Empty any storage shelves and closets in your home so that they can be included in the attic renovation process. You may think you want an organized look, but it is unlikely that you will keep things that way once all of your items are piled into boxes or stacked on top of each other instead of neatly organized. Clear everything from the floor, including toys and any other loose objects strewn about from children’s playtime or pets’ practices. This task cannot be completed beforehand and will take extra time. Clear the work area completely. Don’t worry; this is a good thing, as you won’t have to look at those items anymore! It will be easier for your workers to see what they are doing if there isn’t anything in their way (they can also move faster). If you know where you want everything to be placed after it has been moved from the attic, draw out a plan and show it to your workers before they begin working. Be sure that everything included in the plan is easily accessible and not located behind other things.
You want your friends to walk into a clean room and not have to go hunting around for the hamper. Clean up after guests – if you have housemates, take turns cleaning up after people who don’t respect your home as much as you do. I know it seems obvious but every time someone walks out of my house with an empty cup or napkin, I’m surprised because I wouldn’t even think to do that! Give people directions about where things are – always describe where something is in relation to the door (left, right, straight ahead) and where exactly in the room (second shelf on the left next to the lamp). It saves hours of frustration and annoyance. Put away things that aren’t theirs – don’t just leave something where I might trip over it. If it isn’t mine, put it away or give it to whoever owns that thing. Put things back where they came from – I know this sounds basic but every time someone goes into the fridge without putting their stuff back, I have to take a minute and reorganize. Luckily there are only two of us so this isn’t so hard but if you have roommates or little siblings, make sure people are responsible for their messes! Make your bed – even if you’re just going to be back in it later that day, make your bed as soon as you wake up. Your room looks more clean and neat with a made bed plus making your bed is supposed to save you time in the long run. Clean your dirty dishes – if you take out a bowl or plate, wash it before putting it back! I know there are days when I want to just throw my plate in the sink and come back to it later but since doing this makes me uncomfortable, I have learned to clean them immediately. If you do dishes, put them away – rinse your dishes so they don’t get too much water down the drain. It’s also annoying when wet dishes are sitting all around the kitchen because someone does one load of dishes every other week.

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