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Grafted Wines | What Are Grafted Wines and Why Are They Special?

Sep 18


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When it comes to the world of wine, there's more than meets the eye – or should we say, the palate. One fascinating aspect of winemaking that often goes unnoticed is the process of grafting. Grafted wines, also known as grafted grapevines or grafted vines, are a special category of wine production that combines the strengths of different grapevine varieties. In this blog, we'll delve into the grafting process in winemaking, the various techniques used, and explore some popular grape varieties commonly grafted.

Understanding Grafted Wines

Grafted wines, or grafted grapevines, result from a horticultural practice called grafting. This technique involves joining two grapevine parts – the rootstock and the scion – to create a single, healthier, more resilient plant. The rootstock is the lower part of the vine, which includes the root system and a portion of the stem. On the other hand, the scion is the upper part of the vine, consisting of the canes and buds that produce the grapes.

Grafting is often used in the vineyard industry to combine the desirable qualities of different grapevine varieties. The rootstock is carefully selected for its ability to resist pests, diseases, or soil conditions. At the same time, the scion is chosen for its fruit quality, flavor profile, and other characteristics that winemakers seek. This marriage of attributes results in a vine that can produce high-quality grapes while withstanding various environmental challenges.

Why is Grafting Necessary?

Grafting is primarily employed for its numerous benefits in viticulture. Here are some of the key reasons why grafted vines are so special:

  • Resisting Phylloxera: The primary reason behind grafting in the wine industry is to combat a tiny, devastating pest known as phylloxera. In the late 19th century, phylloxera wreaked havoc on vineyards worldwide, destroying ungrafted grapevines. Grafting allowed winemakers to replace their vulnerable, non-grafted vines with grafted ones, effectively thwarting the pest's destructive path.
  • Preserving Grape Varietals: Grafting also serves another essential purpose in winemaking - preserving grape varietals. Over centuries, vineyards have cultivated numerous grape varieties, each with distinct flavors, aromas, and characteristics. By grafting, vintners can maintain the genetic purity of these grape varieties, even when phylloxera threatens their existence.
  • Adapting to Climate: Different grapevine rootstocks have varying tolerance levels for soil types and climate conditions. Grafting enables winemakers to tailor their vineyards to specific terroirs, ensuring that grapevines can thrive in the soil and climate of a particular region. This customization results in wines that express the unique characteristics of their environment.

The Role of Rootstocks in Grafted Wines

Now that we've identified the critical components of grafted wines, let's delve deeper into the crucial role of rootstocks:

  • Disease Resistance: One of the primary reasons for grafting grapevines is to protect the valuable scion from soil-borne diseases and pests. Different grape varieties can have varying levels of susceptibility to these threats. By grafting onto a disease-resistant rootstock, winemakers can ensure the health and longevity of the vineyard.
  • Adaptability to Soil: Soil conditions can vary significantly from one vineyard to another. Some grape varieties thrive in certain soil types, while others may struggle. Rootstocks are chosen based on their ability to adapt to the specific soil conditions of the vineyard, improving the vine's overall growth and grape quality.
  • Stress Tolerance: Environmental stressors such as drought, extreme temperatures, and poor soil quality can negatively impact grapevines. Rootstocks are selected for their ability to withstand these stressors, ensuring a more robust and resilient vineyard.
  • Enhancing Grape Quality: The rootstock can also influence grape quality. Some rootstocks have been found to improve grape flavor, aroma, and ripening characteristics. Winemakers carefully select rootstocks that complement the desired traits of the scion.


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The Grafting Process in Winemaking

The grafting process typically follows these steps:

  1. Selection: Choosing the right rootstock and scion is crucial. Rootstocks are selected for their ability to thrive in specific soil conditions or climates, while scions are chosen for their desirable grape characteristics.
  2. Cutting: A skilled grafter carefully makes precise cuts on the rootstock and the scion. These cuts are designed to fit together snugly, creating a seamless connection.
  3. Joining: The scion and rootstock are joined together, ensuring that their cambium layers align perfectly. This layer is responsible for the flow of nutrients and water, making it vital for a successful graft.
  4. Binding: To secure the graft and promote healing, grafters often use grafting tape or wax to cover the joint.
  5. Healing and Growth: Over time, the scion and rootstock fuse, allowing the scion to grow and develop using the resources the rootstock provides. This process can take several months.

Different Types of Grafting Techniques Used in Winemaking

Whip-and-Tongue Grafting

This is a popular grafting technique in viticulture. It involves creating a precise cut in the scion and rootstock, allowing them to fit together like a puzzle. This method ensures a strong connection and efficient nutrient flow between the two parts.

Cleft Grafting

Cleft grafting is particularly useful for rejuvenating older vineyards. A vertical split is made in the rootstock, and a scion is inserted into the aperture. This method can be a lifesaver when dealing with diseased or declining vines.

Bud Grafting

Also known as T-budding, this method involves inserting a single bud from the scion into the rootstock. It is a less invasive technique often used in warm climates with high grafting success rates.

Green Grafting

The scion and rootstock grow when grafted together in this technique. Timing is crucial, as grafting must occur during the plant's growing season.

Exploring Grafted Wine Varieties

Grafted wines offer a unique blend of characteristics that can result in wines with depth, complexity, and resilience. Here are a few examples of grafted wine varieties:

Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot

The combination of Cabernet Sauvignon's structure and Merlot's smoothness creates a well-balanced wine with rich flavors and excellent aging potential. This blend is particularly popular in Bordeaux-style wines.

Chardonnay/Chenin Blanc

Grafting Chardonnay onto Chenin Blanc rootstock can lead to wines with vibrant acidity, intense aromatics, and a pleasing minerality. This combination is often found in sparkling wines and premium still wines.


Grafting Viognier with Syrah can enhance the aromatic complexity of the wine, introducing floral and stone fruit notes that complement Syrah's bold black fruit flavors. This combination is a hallmark of some famous Northern Rhône wines.

Popular Grape Varieties Commonly Grafted

Several grape varieties are commonly used as rootstocks in grafting due to their resilience and adaptability. Some of these include:

Riparia Gloire de Montpellier

This rootstock is known for its resistance to phylloxera and compatibility with various scion varieties. It's commonly used in regions with a history of phylloxera infestations.


A widely used rootstock in the United States, 420A is known for its resistance to nematodes and good adaptation to various soils. It's frequently used for grafting wine grape varieties.

SO4 (Selection Oppenheim 4)

SO4 is a popular rootstock in Europe, particularly in regions with high phylloxera pressure. It provides good vigor control and is compatible with various scion varieties.

Grafted Wines vs. Non-Grafted Wines

Now that we've explored the advantages and popular varieties of grafted wines, compare them with non-grafted wines regarding flavor profile, vineyard management, and overall quality.

Flavor Profile

Grafted wines often display a more consistent flavor profile because they benefit from the precise combination of grape variety and rootstock. The controlled vine growth and disease resistance can result in wines with intense and predictable flavors, making them appealing to both winemakers and consumers.

On the other hand, non-grafted wines may exhibit more significant flavor variation due to the unpredictability of vine health and development. While some non-grafted wines may offer unique characteristics, they can also be more susceptible to disease-related flavor inconsistencies.

Vineyard Management

Grafted vineyards are more manageable and sustainable. Winemakers have greater control over disease prevention, yield, and vine health. This predictability in vineyard management allows for better planning and resource allocation.

Non-grafted vineyards may require more extensive pest and disease management and additional attention to soil conditions and vine health. This can lead to higher maintenance costs and potential risks.

Overall Quality

The overall quality of grafted wines is often considered higher and more consistent than non-grafted wines. This is primarily due to the benefits of disease resistance, improved vine vigor, and better climate adaptation.

While non-grafted wines can be of excellent quality, they may require more meticulous care and attention to achieve the same level of consistency and resilience.

Grafted wines offer a fascinating glimpse into winemaking, where science and tradition merge to create exceptional vintages.


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